Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Last Post For Awhile
That's right. Hellion is flying to Virginia (no, not on my broom) and meeting with Terri & Tiff, who will already be hanging out and doing all things indolent and vacationy.
Some interesting trivia before I go:
Sin has the ability to "scissor-kick" people in the back of the head. She told me so on the way up to meet our critique group, The Sassy Scribes, on Saturday. I nearly drove off the road, I was laughing so hard at her story about it.
"Russian Goggles" is a similar term to "Tea-Bagging", which I had interestingly enough HAD heard of before both terms were bandied about at the co-worker party Brad took me to Saturday night. His friend, Ted, brought it up, then left Brad to explain it to the rest of us ignorant females...and when he brought up "Tea-Bagging" as a frame of reference, a look of enlightenment must have skittered across my face because he looked rather priceless when he asked, "You know what that is?" "Yes, I know I've been told before what it is...but I'm not drawing a complete definition at the moment." At the moment, I was thinking, It was something Jack and Matty had yammered about--and it's probably as deviant as that whole donkey punch crap that Matty had to explain to me. If you don't know what the terms are, you can Wikipedia it. I'm not telling you.
I've discovered not all Mikes are bad. I know, I wouldn't believe it either. I have been emailing with this applicant/student for a couple months; and he really wanted in this summer. I told him it would take a miracle; I bugged the hell out of him; and he did everything I asked. I finally got to process him for summer, since I wanted to do it before I left on vacation and when I told him all was done, he wrote back he was "speechless." I had written I wasn't opposed to bribes of chocolate. He sent me this ostentatiously huge bouquet of flowers--and I stared at it for five minutes, couldn't sign my name to "receive" them I was so flummoxed and shaky, then nearly broke into tears at the card. "Thank you for saving me. Gratefully, Mike." Usually at best, I get a chocolate bar from a grateful student...and really, it IS my job, so why expect more? But this was awesome. I've taken about 6 pictures of it. I'm rather devastated I won't be able to enjoy it much more since I'll be on vacation (it arrived yesterday). P.S. Mike is engaged. I *did* ask; I mean, I had to, but I figured he'd at least be dating...anyone who follows a woman's directives that well without complaint or questioning...yeah, he's taken.
Anyway, if you ever want to make me cry: send flowers. And you know the totally kick-ass part--this bouquet is freaking gorgeous and not one carnation in the batch--and we all know I hate carnations. You didn't know? Oh.
I hate carnations. They are the flower of death. Can't stand them.
My luggage for the trip probably weighs as much as I do. I pack like Scarlett O'Hara. Although my boss (I adore the man) said, "I had a student once who brought four trunks with her for an overnight trip. The others never let her live it down." I'm not that bad. One big suitcase, one backpack and my purse. I tried to leave some room for souvenirs. I've brought 6 pairs of shoes; 2 pairs of which are flip-flops; 2 are high-heels; 1 pair tennis shoes; 1 pair leather sandals.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Quiz Results
You scored as a Hermione Granger
You're one intelligent witch, but you have a hard time believing it and require constant reassurance. You are a very supportive friend who would do anything and everything to help her friends out.
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Harry Potter
Albus Dumbledore
Sirius Black
Severus Snape
Remus Lupin
Ginny Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Lord Voldemort
The Hero's Journey: A Rant
I can hear you croaking now, but it's true. "Snape is Hans Solo..."--blah, blah, blah. No. Spielburg stole it first. Actually he didn't exactly "steal it" because he simply used a story arc that has been used since the flipping beginning of time called: The Hero's Journey.
Stories, as you might not realize or understand if you think they're all supposed to mean something and change the world like Rushdie's Satanic Verses, are about the Human Experience. If you're writing something outside of the human experience, while you can gloat you actually wrote about an "original idea", no one will actually give a damn because no one will understand it since it sits outside the relevance of what we know and understand. We understand ambition, hate, greed, power, God or the Higher Being, jealousy, sloth, temptation, lust, goodness and charity, friendship, death, loss, fear, family, and love. We've all felt these, been captured by these...maybe fallen into hell by these...but I assure you, these aren't "original". They are Timeless though.
So if you want to say JK Rowling's writing voice is boring; that you just couldn't get into the world she's drawn--FINE. That's logical. I don't exactly get into Homer's voice either, but he tells a damn fine hero's journey too. But don't say she's unoriginal because she stole her ideas from STAR WARS because it's just not true. Nor did she steal them for Tolkien...or the other thousands of other fantasy writers who's penned a fantasy novel.
#1: The gray-bearded mentor ALWAYS dies because the hero must face the BIG BAD EVIL all by himself. That's how it's always been--since Beowulf. #2: The hero must always "die" (usually to save everyone)--but is then resurrected. Jesus comes to mind--I suppose you're going to say he stole it from somebody, Beowulf, perhaps?
And in the hero's journey, the hero returns to the "normal world" to live Happily Ever After, a reward for conquering all that was evil and unjust. The ultimate boon. Usually with the sassy redheaded girl he meets along his journey.
Thank you. And I will stop reading people's reviews of Deathly Hallows because it's obviously just pissing me off!
Mea culpa: So sorry--George Lucas rather than Steven Spielburg wrote and directed Star Wars--not that I give a f*ck.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Brief Song Parody
There's just one wizard for me at Hogwart’s
Harry's his name, of that Potter fame
Why for every hero there must be a fan
I've found my mate, by fate of a bad date…
And now…
I'm just wild about Harry
And Harry's wild about me
The dangerous larks with a Lord so Dark
Cause me and my friends to disagree!
He's brave like a Gryffindor lion
And like those schmucks on reality TV
Oh I'm just wild about Harry
And he's just wild about, cannot do without
He's just wild about me
There are some fellows that like all the girls
But Harry has no time to do manly crimes
He says he must vanquish Voldy before
Voldy kills us all, this is Total Recall!
Monday, July 23, 2007
I will mention a couple of my favorite moments:
1) When Ron Returns: "You...complete...arse...Ronald...Weasley!" God, I love Ron & Hermione together. They are a riot.
2) When Ron Punches Draco: "That's the second time we're saved you, you two-faced git!"
3) When Severus Snapes Reveals All: OMG, Alan Rickman, can I please have your babies?
4) When Harry d... Oh, I said I was only going to mention a couple. Oh, well, then...carry on.
What did you all think of the book? The ending's a little crazy, right? Lots of stuff that didn't make sense? Did you love it or loathe it?
Friday, July 20, 2007
10 hours....

You know your obsession has gotten the better of you, when you can't hardly plan a date because you'll be too busy reading about what happens to Harry. "I'm really sorry. I promise I'll be a lot more fun once this book is read...and a lot more available." Sad, sad. Hell, my Captain Jack Sparrow fantasy life has been shunted aside for Harry. (Jack wasn't near as understanding.)
Tonight, I'm going to the movie again, then I'll have some butterbeer (1 cup cream soda and 2 tablespoons butterscotch schnapps), then we'll go stand in line (the Peasant line because we didn't preorder through B&N) to get our books. Mind you, my OTHER copy of the book is coming by owl...and I didn't want to take a chance on the owl getting lost on the way to my house. Or actually the far more likely prospect: being shot on the way to my house...or becoming a part of someone's truck grill. (That last one has actually happened.)
Pray Harry lives...we won't know what to do with me if he doesn't. (A Cheering Charm will not work.)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
1.55 days left until Harry...
*hopping up and down like on crack*
My normally practical friend and I spent an HOUR after yoga last night discussing Jason Isaacs (Luscious Lucius) in the parking lot of the gym. An HOUR. Just about Jason Isaacs--though I did rhapsodize a bit about Gary Oldman and we discussed my collection of DVDs and whether I should be renting them out since I have so many (egads). Pam thinks I have a good chance of being marketable--since I'd have movies that some places wouldn't have. Obscure period or British movies, I guess. *LOL* True. I have a LOT of period pieces.
Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
For Terri
Continuation of Yesterday's Obsession
Because Terri has no idea of the HAWTNESS of the characters we're talking about, I thought I'd post a few pictures. Seriously, the woman should obsess more like normal folk.
Here is a pic of Lucius Malfoy, or as I suspect my normally very practical friend is calling him in her mind: Lucious. I think there might a bit of the S&M about her and she doesn't know it, what with her fascination of his bitchy expression and big stick.

Me, I'm no better. I have a fascination with men old enough to have technically fathered me. *sighs* Or ones I could have almost given birth to. It's creepy in either direction.
Sirius Black:

But admittedly I preferred Gary Oldman in The Scarlett Letter:

Yeah, I think he's far hotter here too...but this was about 10 years ago. Give the guy some slack.
And then there is Snape. Not only does Alan Rickman have that delicious growl and snotty way of speaking, but...well, there's not really a but...the voice is truly enough, but the heavy-lidded eyelids that make you think of bedroom-matters even as he's obviously sneering at you is too delicious to pass up.

And because I couldn't resist, mate, I will include this final Snape shot I found on the net:

So...does this help the "jumpable" question from below? Oh, and I didn't include pics of Harry and Ron because all their pictures looked incestuous in comparison with these guys.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Who Would You Jump?
After a scintillating conversation with my normally very practical girlfriend, I realized we share a secret obsession with “bad boy” villain characters. Of course, let’s be real, we always had an unhealthy fascination for bad boys. We both loved Bo Duke, and it’s gone downhill from there.
Then I pointed out that Lucius wouldn’t have anything to do with her anyway, since she’s a Muggle, she said she’d impress (actually I think her word was “dazzle”) him so much with her witching skills, he’d totally forget she wasn’t a pureblood. I said this was a great plan; then said I would work on giving Sirius a “cheering charm” (since he’s so depressed and broody) but that I’d probably start simply with a Muggle trick of “flashing first” to see if that had any effect. As Dumbledore said, start with the simple charm first—since it’s always best to go with the simple answer first.
So which character from the Harry Potter movies would you most like to jump and why? And how would you go about it? Okay, maybe not the last question…I’m sorta afraid of the responses I might get.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Hellion's Holiday
There's too much to talk about what happened Thursday and Friday, so I'll just share some various conversation snippets of the last few days:
* * *
Holly: *handing a Bertie Bott's Bean to Pam* Here, try the earthworm flavor. It tastes like dirt, but with something a bit zesty.
Hellion: *chomping hers* Yes, it IS like dirt with something more. Something meaty. *casts look in rearview mirror at Pam, who looks positively disgusted*
Holly: Liver I think.
Hellion: Good one!
*Pam takes a dainty nibble off the end of the earthworm flavor, making gakking sounds*
Holly: *realizing we've tried all the flavors* Anyone else want another bean? We've gone through them all.
Pam: *still delicately gakking* Soap. Give me another soap.
Holly: Really? You liked the soap?
Pam: I'm trying to get the DIRT out of my mouth.
Holly: Oh, well, that'll do it.
* * *
While watching the lame magician at the Harry Potter feast, disturbed our $45 went toward paying for this guy.
Professor Snap: You know Harry Potter has that scar on his forehead; in high school I had a big L on my forehead so I could totally empathize...
Pam: *leaning over to whisper* You mean, it's not still there?
Hellion: *bursting into hysterical laughter, non-Snap related*
* * *
Several times during the day.
Hellion: Where did Holly go? I can't find her. We're going to be late [or: kicked out of the store because it's closing. or: really late...]
* * *
On the phone.
Pam: So do you think you'll want to go to happy hour?
Hellion: God, I have a headache...let me take something. *yawning* I did promise to go. *click, my phone hangs up* Son of a bitch.... *redials, gets Pam* Sorry, the phone's acting wonky.
Pam: Do we know where we want to go? *click, my phone hangs up again*
Hellion: Son of a bitch! *redials, apologizes to Pam a second time* No, I don't even feel like drinking at the moment. It's so hot. *click, the phone hangs up a third time* Arrggh!
* * *
At the bar. After three beers.
Brad: And then... *gestures, his arms swinging and accidentally a bowl goes flying off our tiny rickety table and crashes to the floor spectacularly; we stare in horror*
Waitress: I'm cutting you off.
Brad: *pointing at me* She did it.
Hellion: *wondering if I might have, can't really remember* Well, it was good of you to take the blame for my klutzy ways...
* * *
After the fourth beer.
Brad: *says something funny as I'm taking a drink of beer*
Hellion: *spits the beer all over Brad and Chris, coughs* I'm sorry, shit, I'm really sorry.
Brad: That's okay. I broke a bowl.
Ten minutes passes.
Brad: *says another funny thing; probably that he was Greek and that was why he broke the bowl--which is clearly untrue since he's fair complexed and freckled*
Hellion: *spits another mouthful of beer, really splashing both Chris and Brad* Oh fuc...
Brad: *laughing* It's okay...
Hellion: *mopping up with napkin* No, this is really bad manners. I usually swallow.
So I had a really fun holiday...and I didn't even talk about the cardmaking portion of my weekend. How was your weekend? What did you do?
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Harry Update
I'm halfway through book 6 (this is probably my second or third reading of the book--and I find myself devouring the book just as rapidly as I did the first time)--and wonder what the hell I'm going to do to bide my time between now and July 21.
Thursday, I will be gone all day. A Harry Potter feast in a castle AND to see the movie.
Friday, gone all day. Probably going to see the movie again (with the friend who can't go to KC with us to the feast & movie); and I'm probably going to get my hair cut. I might even go to a Happy Hour.
Saturday will be card-making--and I've got new Pirate stamps, so be prepared everyone. All Hellion gifts you may receive in the future will probably have a pirate stamp somewhere on it.
Sunday, I will probably sleep...though I really need to write. I'm such a schmuck. I haven't written anything on Ben in weeks! (Though I did write a bit on Adam & Eve & Lizzie & Lucy.)
THEN it will be a WEEK of waiting until the book is released. I foolishly ordered my book through Amazon--super saving shipping--so I probably won't even get it until the 25th...and then I'll have a critique group meeting the Saturday of the 28th; and the week after I'm going to Virginia. Oh, well, there's always the plane rides. It IS the last book. I suppose I can "savor" it.
How many betting I'm going to cave on Saturday, July 21st, if it doesn't arrive by mail and drive to B&N and BUY a copy to read that day?
Friday, July 06, 2007
I Saw This On Sin's Site and Totally Hijacked It (Pirate)
Body: Finish the sentences. [Hellion: okay, I'll try] Some may be uncomfortable, but you'll manage. [Hellion: *snickering*]
1. I've come to realize that my last kiss was..
way too long ago. I need to work on that.
2. I am listening to...
POTC3 Soundtrack…I’m so predictable.
3. I talk...
when I want, all the time, loudly, with very little censorship. I can also be very quiet. If I am quiet, someone probably needs to hand me a Pepsi.
4. I love...
Captain Jack Sparrow.
5. My best friends are...
wicked, brilliant, funny, fun, loving, loveable, and unmitigated pains. I wouldn’t change a thing about them.
6. My Car is...
a fast brilliant piece of machinery, cleverly disguised as a boring sedan
7. My love life...
is the gas station on a remote route of Route 66—self-service if it’s in service at all.
8. I hate it when people ask..
“So you’re an English major—you must be a teacher, right? Do you teach?” Nope, hate kids. That shuts them up pretty quickly.
9. Love is...
the root of all power. It corrupts; and it corrupts absolutely.
10. Marriage is..
slightly less dangerous than house cleaning, but why chance doing either?
11. Somewhere, someone is thinking...
“If I had Hellion to myself for ten minutes, I could die a happy man”—Jack! How lovely to see you again!
12. I'm always...
procrastinating. Obviously.
13. I have a secret cheesy crush on...
just about everyone, really. Captain Jack Sparrow. Orlie. Richard…Ranger…really, the list is unmanageable.
15. My cell phone...
is somewhere in the bottom of my purse, dead, because I never remember to charge the damned thing—that is if I ever remember to turn it on.
16. When I wake up in the morning...
lay there until the last possible moment, then amble around like a chicken with its head cut off because I’m late.
17. When I go to bed at night...
I sleep like the dead.
18. Right now I am thinking about...
Sleep, now that you’ve mentioned the bed. I would love a nap, right about now.
19. Babies are...
tiny tyrants who smell funny, are largely demanding, and whose only saving grace is that they’re tiny and cute and therefore everyone wants to fawn over them.
20. I get on myspace....
and immediately book over to the superior facebook to talk to my friends.
21. Today I...
will work until 4:30, then run off to my friend’s house to eat Chinese and watch Pride & Prejudice. I’m very excited to learn what the ending will be…
22. Tonight I will..
try not to bite anyone’s head off…it will be a feat of accomplishment.
23. Tomorrow I will...
asleep, until it’s too hot to sleep, then I will read, then sleep some more. I’m really looking forward to it.
24. I really want to...
have sex with Captain Jack Sparrow…oh, I mean, sleep. I really want some sleep.
Then about a week and a half after that, I'll be in Virginia, doing my damnest to not be Amish.
2007 is a great year. But I knew it would be. It has a 7 in it. 7's a great number; and if you add up 2007, it makes 9, which is 3 x 3, and 3 is an awesome number too.
Now I need to go write on Adam & Eve's story. I have to give Adam a makeover and turn him into Brad Pitt, which he kinda looks like. Eve is going to spit fire. It's going to be awesome.
What's your favorite number and what will you be doing today? In a few weeks?
Monday, July 02, 2007
What I Always Talk About
I'm currently engrossed in book 5, in my bid to re-read the series again before the movie & book hit the theaters/stores. (A faculty member, upon realizing I wasn't just reading book 5 but all of them, blinked and said, "Okay. If that's how you want to spend your summer." I didn't take her to heart. Her idea of a great book involved a tortoise and a baby rhino, both victims of the tsunami in India. Whatever. I mean, it really doesn't compare to the life and death tension I'm facing with Harry and the gang.)
Last night I watched (after a day of "napping" so much I actually got a headache) Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility. I can't decide which one I like better. It used to be S&S, no contest, but the more I watch the new P&P, the more it grows on me. (I'm sorry, Colin. You'll always be Mr. Darcy to me.)
As usual with my Sundays, I read all day and didn't write anything on my WIP or my other WIP...or well, I didn't write some notes about a blog, but not for this blog.
And POTC3 was still listed in the top 10 movies. Hurrah. It was #8. :) I love you, Jack!
So what Sunday things did you do? The same as you always do? Anything new? Watch any favorite movies?