Word Count

Thursday, July 19, 2007

1.55 days left until Harry...

Lives. Or at least, he damn well better. And in the famous words of Emerson at Mugglenet.com--make sweet, sweet love to Ginny and make lots of babies. *LOL*

*hopping up and down like on crack*

My normally practical friend and I spent an HOUR after yoga last night discussing Jason Isaacs (Luscious Lucius) in the parking lot of the gym. An HOUR. Just about Jason Isaacs--though I did rhapsodize a bit about Gary Oldman and we discussed my collection of DVDs and whether I should be renting them out since I have so many (egads). Pam thinks I have a good chance of being marketable--since I'd have movies that some places wouldn't have. Obscure period or British movies, I guess. *LOL* True. I have a LOT of period pieces.

Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter.

1 comment:

Terri Osburn said...

I was just wondering how you were holding up. Today is the day. Well, tonight anyway. Have you decided where you'll be at 12:01am?