Word Count

Monday, July 16, 2007

Hellion's Holiday

So I was gone Thursday & Friday. (Did you miss me? Of course, you did.)

There's too much to talk about what happened Thursday and Friday, so I'll just share some various conversation snippets of the last few days:

* * *
Holly: *handing a Bertie Bott's Bean to Pam* Here, try the earthworm flavor. It tastes like dirt, but with something a bit zesty.
Hellion: *chomping hers* Yes, it IS like dirt with something more. Something meaty. *casts look in rearview mirror at Pam, who looks positively disgusted*
Holly: Liver I think.
Hellion: Good one!
*Pam takes a dainty nibble off the end of the earthworm flavor, making gakking sounds*
Holly: *realizing we've tried all the flavors* Anyone else want another bean? We've gone through them all.
Pam: *still delicately gakking* Soap. Give me another soap.
Holly: Really? You liked the soap?
Pam: I'm trying to get the DIRT out of my mouth.
Holly: Oh, well, that'll do it.

* * *
While watching the lame magician at the Harry Potter feast, disturbed our $45 went toward paying for this guy.

Professor Snap: You know Harry Potter has that scar on his forehead; in high school I had a big L on my forehead so I could totally empathize...
Pam: *leaning over to whisper* You mean, it's not still there?
Hellion: *bursting into hysterical laughter, non-Snap related*

* * *
Several times during the day.

Hellion: Where did Holly go? I can't find her. We're going to be late [or: kicked out of the store because it's closing. or: really late...]

* * *
On the phone.

Pam: So do you think you'll want to go to happy hour?
Hellion: God, I have a headache...let me take something. *yawning* I did promise to go. *click, my phone hangs up* Son of a bitch.... *redials, gets Pam* Sorry, the phone's acting wonky.
Pam: Do we know where we want to go? *click, my phone hangs up again*
Hellion: Son of a bitch! *redials, apologizes to Pam a second time* No, I don't even feel like drinking at the moment. It's so hot. *click, the phone hangs up a third time* Arrggh!

* * *

At the bar. After three beers.

Brad: And then... *gestures, his arms swinging and accidentally a bowl goes flying off our tiny rickety table and crashes to the floor spectacularly; we stare in horror*
Waitress: I'm cutting you off.
Brad: *pointing at me* She did it.
Hellion: *wondering if I might have, can't really remember* Well, it was good of you to take the blame for my klutzy ways...

* * *

After the fourth beer.

Brad: *says something funny as I'm taking a drink of beer*
Hellion: *spits the beer all over Brad and Chris, coughs* I'm sorry, shit, I'm really sorry.
Brad: That's okay. I broke a bowl.

Ten minutes passes.

Brad: *says another funny thing; probably that he was Greek and that was why he broke the bowl--which is clearly untrue since he's fair complexed and freckled*
Hellion: *spits another mouthful of beer, really splashing both Chris and Brad* Oh fuc...
Brad: *laughing* It's okay...
Hellion: *mopping up with napkin* No, this is really bad manners. I usually swallow.

So I had a really fun holiday...and I didn't even talk about the cardmaking portion of my weekend. How was your weekend? What did you do?


Terri Osburn said...

OMG!!! This is tooooooo funny. LMAO!!! You're weekend was so much better than mine. And now I really can't wait for you to get here. I'm going to be LMAO the entire time. And I could really stand for some of this ass to fall off.

Now, who the hell is Brad and what about the movie?!?!

Hellie Sinclair said...

Brad is a co-worker of Pam's, who she was dying for me to meet because he's cute and hilarious. And I met him and he is definitely both. As we can surmise because I kept spitting beer...and cackling like a loon. Very dainty, very ladylike I was on Friday.

Movie was wonderful. Loved it. Had no real complaints about it. Like I do about 4. Which is good because I was worried about the movie and not the feast--and the feast was crazy stupid.

Terri Osburn said...

Many reports I've read said this one didn't flow well and hopped around. Did you get that impression? I haven't read any of these as you know but I've been reading all the spoiler stuff and there are plenty of complaints.

Hellie Sinclair said...

No, this movie was far easier to follow than the 4th movie, which DESERVED that assessment.

They changed plot lines; and it went fast, but I assure you the 4th movie was far harder to follow. This one you could follow.

I heard a LOT of complaints Harry wasn't bitchy enough; and he hardly yelled or anything--but there was one scene where he lost it and everyone just stared.

They left in one of my favorite bits of dialogue about Ron having the emotional range of a teaspoon.

Anonymous said...

Hellion, I usually swallow as well. I think one looks highly ladylike when one daintily swallows.


Tiffany Clare said...

OMG!!! You said that??? OMG! LMFAO! OMG! That is priceless.... that will be brought up at many parties to come... Hellion the charmer likes to spew beer at the gentlemen drinking with her... but don't worry she normally swallows...

At times like that I'm so glad I stutter... but once I've got beer in me anything can happen.