Word Count

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Harry Update

Harry lives! Or at least he does for the next 10 days.

I'm halfway through book 6 (this is probably my second or third reading of the book--and I find myself devouring the book just as rapidly as I did the first time)--and wonder what the hell I'm going to do to bide my time between now and July 21.

Thursday, I will be gone all day. A Harry Potter feast in a castle AND to see the movie.

Friday, gone all day. Probably going to see the movie again (with the friend who can't go to KC with us to the feast & movie); and I'm probably going to get my hair cut. I might even go to a Happy Hour.

Saturday will be card-making--and I've got new Pirate stamps, so be prepared everyone. All Hellion gifts you may receive in the future will probably have a pirate stamp somewhere on it.

Sunday, I will probably sleep...though I really need to write. I'm such a schmuck. I haven't written anything on Ben in weeks! (Though I did write a bit on Adam & Eve & Lizzie & Lucy.)

THEN it will be a WEEK of waiting until the book is released. I foolishly ordered my book through Amazon--super saving shipping--so I probably won't even get it until the 25th...and then I'll have a critique group meeting the Saturday of the 28th; and the week after I'm going to Virginia. Oh, well, there's always the plane rides. It IS the last book. I suppose I can "savor" it.

How many betting I'm going to cave on Saturday, July 21st, if it doesn't arrive by mail and drive to B&N and BUY a copy to read that day?


Terri Osburn said...

I'd put down any amount of money you'll have that book at midnight the day it is released. Or before if you can find a sales clerk to flash.

I bet I'd win too....

Anonymous said...

Five bucks you cave!

who's already caved, requested the book, and found friends to wait in line with her...

Kasey said...

I don't know how you can wait. I thought Amazon was guarenteeing delivery on the 21st for the book though. You might want to check on that.

As for me, I have my copy reserved and I will be standing in line at my Barnes and Noble to pick it up at midnight. I even planning on going by myself because no one wants to indulge me this time. I don't mind, once I get my hands on it I won't be much for company anyways.