Word Count

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Continuation of Yesterday's Obsession

2 1/2 days until Harry's Fate is revealed. I had a long, exhaustive talk with the UPS guy about it. I think he's relieved he is not delivering my book on Saturday. Well, he might be sorry; I'll most likely kiss whoever delivers it.

Because Terri has no idea of the HAWTNESS of the characters we're talking about, I thought I'd post a few pictures. Seriously, the woman should obsess more like normal folk.

Here is a pic of Lucius Malfoy, or as I suspect my normally very practical friend is calling him in her mind: Lucious. I think there might a bit of the S&M about her and she doesn't know it, what with her fascination of his bitchy expression and big stick.

Me, I'm no better. I have a fascination with men old enough to have technically fathered me. *sighs* Or ones I could have almost given birth to. It's creepy in either direction.

Sirius Black:

But admittedly I preferred Gary Oldman in The Scarlett Letter:

Yeah, I think he's far hotter here too...but this was about 10 years ago. Give the guy some slack.

And then there is Snape. Not only does Alan Rickman have that delicious growl and snotty way of speaking, but...well, there's not really a but...the voice is truly enough, but the heavy-lidded eyelids that make you think of bedroom-matters even as he's obviously sneering at you is too delicious to pass up.

And because I couldn't resist, mate, I will include this final Snape shot I found on the net:

So...does this help the "jumpable" question from below? Oh, and I didn't include pics of Harry and Ron because all their pictures looked incestuous in comparison with these guys.


Terri Osburn said...

OK, this does help. Though I still think we need a pic of King Leonidas.

I'll have to go with Sirius if for no other reason than because it's Gary Oldham. Which reminds me Immortal Beloved has been on HBO the last two night and I keep forgetting to tell Tiff.

And I have an Ellora's Cave calendar that has a picture of some cover model dude that looks just like Malfoy. Same hair and everything. I'll have to send those pages back with you for your friend. *g*

Hellie Sinclair said...

You can post your Gerry with the dorky beard pictures on your own website. He may be ripped but I can't get past the bad facial hair. Why do you think my favorite character was the one named MICHAEL? Hello. It was because he had five-o-clock shadow...and the only thing that makes me jump men faster than goatees is five-o-clock shadow.

What is it with me and scruffy men?

Terri Osburn said...

Do you really think I noticed anything about facial hair in that movie? You are so damn amish....

Hellie Sinclair said...

I'm sorry, but the badger thing he had strapped under his chin distracted me from the rest of his near naked body. Never mind that the Captain Underpants he was wearing was slightly laughable. It would have been better if it had been one of the kilts.

Terri Osburn said...

It's a good thing to know that we will never have the problem of being attracted to the same guys. LOL!

Perhaps if he had a cape and a wand instead of a cape, a giant sword, incredible pecks and that tight ass. Then maybe you'd have noticed. LOL!

Hellie Sinclair said...

Lord, I forgot about the dorky cape he was also wearing. It's little wonder why my attention was held by the Michael person instead....

Anonymous said...

None of these guys float my boat. Maybe I'm just weird, but I've never thought Voldemort, Snape, Capt. Jack Sparrow, etc, were ever all that hot....