Word Count

Monday, July 23, 2007


Well, I can't tell you. I'd probably he lynched by some Potterite who hadn't finished the book but was still bothering to patrol the net for spoilers...but it's ended. I can stop obsessing about it, just as soon as I read the book a second time, which I plan to do this week.

I will mention a couple of my favorite moments:

1) When Ron Returns: "You...complete...arse...Ronald...Weasley!" God, I love Ron & Hermione together. They are a riot.

2) When Ron Punches Draco: "That's the second time we're saved you, you two-faced git!"

3) When Severus Snapes Reveals All: OMG, Alan Rickman, can I please have your babies?

4) When Harry d... Oh, I said I was only going to mention a couple. Oh, well, then...carry on.

What did you all think of the book? The ending's a little crazy, right? Lots of stuff that didn't make sense? Did you love it or loathe it?


Anonymous said...

Loved it, loved it, loved it, loved it! OMG! Luna's ceiling, all the deaths, Harry in the forest, Dumbledore's humanization, all of it was spectacular. It was such a fantastic ending to the book. Although I do have to say, I think that JKR intentionally left so much open after the last chapter to let us imagine how they coped with the ending of Voldemort. I mean, 19 years is a long time, and I'd have love to have known what happenned, like, within the next few months. Who repaired Hogwarts? Who's the new Headmaster? Does McGonagall still teach there? So many unknowns.


Lindsey said...

OMG I thought it was fabulous - the perfect ending! Though there were many revelations I did expect, the book & its focus were quite different from what I was prepared for. A couple of the deaths hit me a little harder than I expected, but there was a moment near the end when I knew everything was going to be okay, and that was just awesome.

The end did wrap up pretty quickly, but that seems pretty consistent with her style, so no real complaints from me. The epilogue wasn't really what I wanted, but it was sweet, and the whole book was so darn good that I didn't really care.

My favorite part of the whole book: "Not my daughter, you bitch!" :D

Kasey said...

I loved it, absolutely loved it. And like lindsey mentioned I loved the part where Mrs. Weasley says that line. I was like you go girl. I really liked how Neville was starting the revolution at school. It was soo great. I could have also used more in the epilogue. There was still a lot of unaswered questions for me about certain people. Maybe she should do like JQ and write a second epilogue. :)

Terri Osburn said...

Now I figure I should read the darn things. Just to get to this book. I'm so glad everyone is raving and I haven't heard any real complaints. It's scary when a book has so much hype to live up to.

I have the first one so I think Is and I will start reading when she comes back from the summer. I think it will be fun to read it out loud.

Hellie Sinclair said...

I loved Mrs. Weasley's shout! That was priceless! I was surprised by the occasional cuss word, but she used them to glorious effect.

The epilogue was very...anticlimatic, I suppose would be the term. *LOL* Some stuff left to us to fill in--like what happened after? What did Harry become? Maybe that's a gift to us fan-fic people to fill in between then and 19 years later?

I loved it though...I think my friend Holly might burn it in a fit of rage, though, considering "who dies" and I'm not sure I'd blame her.

Janga said...

I didn't think it was perfect, but I loved the book. I am sure I will discover things to add in both columns when I reread it. I liked the epilogue; it gave me the HEA I craved. And Harry finally has a family.

Marnee Bailey said...

I loved it too. I think JKR is a genius. I can hardly keep my two characters from my WIP straight in my head, let alone an entire universe of characters and then weave them across 7 books and 17 years. That's amazing.

I thought the epilogue was a bit of a letdown. The events of it were there, but I didn't get much feeling from it. And surely not all my questions answered. Usually you know exactly what Harry's feeling. The epilogue was just, blah.

Maybe she did that so she could write another book.... *fingers crossed*

Snape though... sigh.... Sooooo sad. What an amazing anti-hero.

Oh oh, and Ron at the Malfoy Mansion?! How sweet/heartbreaking. I wanna write romance like that....

Lindsey said...

My friend's brother is really disappointed by how many questions she left unanswered - he jokes he's going to go after her and "go all Misery on her ass!" LOL!