Word Count

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Beloved Jack

You'd think with four days off, I would have been able to compose an Ode for the many and varied ways I loved and adored POTC3. But if you know me, you know that once I hermit myself into my house, I immediately don pjs and don't do much of anything, let alone compose odes. Nay, I merely stared at my ceiling, sighed in a very swoony manner, and contemplated all the various ways I loved and adored POTC3.

Top 10 Reasons You Should See POTC3

10. The fight scene with the maelstorm. Now I know this scene was hyped to death but it was still extremely awesome! I was on the edge of my seat, nearly clutching the slightly post-teenaged boy beside me in supreme tension. PLUS there is something that is so unbelieveable that happens in that scene--and it's not that Will and Elizabeth have the most spectacular kiss ever!

9. Will and Elizabeth have the most spectacular kiss ever! Seriously. When it happened, every woman (and quite a few men) in the audience swooned in delight. What cinema magic!

8. The desert crab-moving-the-ship scene. It's particularly hysterical because Jack is up in the rigging like he is in the first movie, looking like the bold and wonderful pirate he is--and just in command.

7. Will actually LOOKS like a pirate in this movie. Before (and though I love Orlie; I have as many pics of him as I do Johnny) I thought he looked like a blacksmith posing as a pirate, but once he tied that scarf on--and he's wearing a black shirt... *fans self* Will IS a pirate.

6. It makes the 2nd movie make sense. Basically it's just the second half of the second movie. I like my loose ends tied up.

5. Did I mention that totally hot, sexy kiss between Will and Elizabeth? Did you read #9? Read it again. I mean, I thought the screen was going to melt--especially at one point when he was trying to get his boot back. (Hellion screaming in the audience: "Kiss higher, damnit!")

4. James Norrington. OMG. And that's all I can say about it.

3. Things HAPPENED I could NOT believe. Things where I gasped and went, "That wasn't supposed to happen! What the hell!" and yet they did. Then I spent my entire drive home going, "That's good storytelling. Talk about SINKING SHIPS." (No, the ship didn't sink. I only mean...way to ruin your characters lives totally!)

2. Witty Jack is back! And really, that's quite enough for anybody, right? I mean, we couldn't have pirates without Jack! And he's back--and multiplied, really, because he has some interesting hallucinations!

1. They obviously pave the ending to imply there will be another Pirates. Eventually. Thank God. Because there are some things that happened...well...there needs to be a fourth movie.


Terri Osburn said...

Yeah, what she said.

Only when they kissed, people in our theater actually applauded. LOL! And I have to ask, why does Jack keep licking things? I didn't get that.

Hellie Sinclair said...

He was a little nuts from being dead...you try being dead and see how sane you are.

I might have applauded...I'm pretty sure I nearly leaped into my seat and shouted something incoherent...

Sin said...

I told Matt that you had advanced sneak peak tickets to POTC3 and he asked if you thought it was any good to which I replied that you nearly swooned in your seat. And this is what he told me:

HE gives me the look... You know the look and gets the wicked gleam in his eye, "I can just imagine Hellion, all dressed up in her pirate gear with a parrot on her shoulder and an eye patch ( I won't say what he said how you got the eye patch ) with Harry Potter floating around in the background spouting his english shit and Hellion jumping up and down in her seat, swooning over a dirty what's his face while she thinks how she's going to go down on him."

Me, my jaw fell open and I was determined not to laugh. *shaking head* Then Matt says, "Well. You know it's true."

And I'm sorry, babe, but I laughed because the imagery was too much for me. Because the way I could see it-- it was much better than what he described and it was all romantic until Harry floated in on his broom and starting waving his wand around. And not the fun wand.

And that's a random moment in Sin's life.

Terri Osburn said...


So he's dead. Made him a little nuts. I guess I can see that but didn't he lick something again later in the movie?

And for the record, my little brother and his buddy went Friday night and they dressed as pirates. So you see, I'm not the craziest person in my family. In fact, scary as it is, I'm not even close to being the craziest...

And I can so see Hellion thinking she's going down on Jack...LOL! She does talk about it all the time after all....

Sin said...

It's kinda scary how well Matty knows Hellion. It's like he can read her mind. I hope I'm not next. LMAO

Hellie Sinclair said...

That's because Matty and I share the same adolescent 15 year old, dirty mind. Sex, sex, sex... *LOL* THAT is why we can read each other's thoughts.

That's funny, though, what he said. How the HELL did Harry Potter enter the pirate fantasy...that's the part I don't get. *LOL*

Terri, he licked his BRAIN later in the film. That was SO disgusting, but I prevailed. I'd still go down on him...every chance I got.

Hellie Sinclair said...

*rereads Sin's first comment* Exactly HOW did I come to acquire an eyepatch? Clumsy am I when I give BJs?

Sin said...

LMFAO. He told the story of a clumsy Hellion, who lost her eye in unfortunate accident of giving head. It was very touching. He said, "Said eye was distracting, because it was so lazy from being shot in directly (you didn't have time to duck out of the way apparently). So Capt. Jack gave you an eye patch and named you Hellion."

Matty is so full of it. LMAO. He said that if he didn't love you, he wouldn't make fun of you. And the HP thing cracked me up. I have no idea where that come from other than a couple of weeks ago I told him about the HP party and he called me a nerd.

Hellie Sinclair said...

How little he knows me. I swallow...I could give references, you know.

I told you we share the same brain; I knew it was a BJ-ing accident!

Sin said...

He said he didn't need to know that. LOL

Terri Osburn said...

I knew it was a BJ thing too and I'm not sure what that says about me. I'm thinking being lumped into a category of a shared brain with you and Mattycakes might not be the ideal thing.

Who am I kidding? I'm in. And though I knew the swallow bit before, it's still disturbing to read again...

But I love the fact that that's the image Matty is going to have the next time he sees you. LMFAO! If he starts getting squirmy, you know what he's thinking.

Hellie Sinclair said...

What? The image I have a lazy eye and a crusty eyepatch?

Sin said...

LMFAO. You can't leave out HP floating around your head.

Oh, and I thought that I'd mention I finally worked out my Ash/Sadie sex scene for you Hellion. *grin* It's rough, but it's in it's usual spot.

Kasey said...

I thought Jack licked something in one of the earlier movies too, I can't remember though. But if that is the case it wouldn't be a side affect from him being dead. Oh I wish I could remember if he did or not.

Terri Osburn said...

I meant Matty would picture you swallowing. But then Sin would deck him and...you know, that would be pretty entertaining.


I think he licked something too. But I think it was someone's face. Maybe I saw that somewhere else. If I could just find the plug on the drain that is my mind...

Stephanie J said...

Here's a question...is the 3rd one as commercial-esque as the 2nd? I want to go see it, but I definitely don't want to feel like I'm left completely hanging. That was so frustrating! I mean, if there's closure but room for a 4th, then I'm ok with that!

Hellie Sinclair said...

Hmmm. There IS something that happens that totally pissed off my friends who saw it--and they were not happy with the ending and wanted a fourth, even though technically, it'd be fine without a fourth movie (if they never make one).

So I don't know...without totally spoiling what happens.