What? you say in your Scooby Doo voice. A different obsession? Yeah, yeah, I'll get to that. First, PIRATES.
Tomorrow I get to go see my sneak peek of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. *does pirate dance, lots of interpretative movements* VERY EXCITED...which anyone could tell you I am from the manifesto I wrote Monday at Romance Vagabonds about Everything I Learned About Writing I Learned From Captain Jack Sparrow, a Tolstoyian length opus of all things Jack. Bless my obsessed little heart.
I have my shirt laid out to wear tomorrow. A pirate shirt. (I'm wearing a different pirate shirt today; but tomorrow's will have Jack's pretty face on it.)
I really need this movie because I'm truly sick of folders, reports, Excel, folders, report data I can't get from faculty, and Excel--I really loathe, despise and abominate everything that is Excel. What a fucking stupid program, Bill Gates...or whoever wrote it. (I blame Bill, regardless.) *sighs* ANYWAY...Pirates is tomorrow...then a 4 day weekend to stay at home (and not drive and spend gas--which is like gold dust at the pumps now)--and possibly work on my book. Ha, ha.
Oh, the new obsession. (See the report has so scattered me...I'm rambling. I don't even have a THEME. What does that tell you? It tells you I need to see this damned movie and have a four day weekend!)
Lean, Mean Thirteen will be the next obsession. Sin wrote me in a funk that the reviews of this book aren't that good. I feel bad for her. I adore Ranger...but I've never thought the mysteries or hijinks of any of these books (EXCEPT 12, which we all agree was DIFFERENT and AWESOME) were anything but frothy wanna-be mysteries. (Sin has said the same; we agree that on the level of suspense and actually keeping the mystery a secret or tense until the end of the book is NOT Janet's strength here...it's characters and making us want to "watch the Stephanie Plum Show", which we do.)
Tomorrow I get to go see my sneak peek of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. *does pirate dance, lots of interpretative movements* VERY EXCITED...which anyone could tell you I am from the manifesto I wrote Monday at Romance Vagabonds about Everything I Learned About Writing I Learned From Captain Jack Sparrow, a Tolstoyian length opus of all things Jack. Bless my obsessed little heart.
I have my shirt laid out to wear tomorrow. A pirate shirt. (I'm wearing a different pirate shirt today; but tomorrow's will have Jack's pretty face on it.)
I really need this movie because I'm truly sick of folders, reports, Excel, folders, report data I can't get from faculty, and Excel--I really loathe, despise and abominate everything that is Excel. What a fucking stupid program, Bill Gates...or whoever wrote it. (I blame Bill, regardless.) *sighs* ANYWAY...Pirates is tomorrow...then a 4 day weekend to stay at home (and not drive and spend gas--which is like gold dust at the pumps now)--and possibly work on my book. Ha, ha.
Oh, the new obsession. (See the report has so scattered me...I'm rambling. I don't even have a THEME. What does that tell you? It tells you I need to see this damned movie and have a four day weekend!)
Lean, Mean Thirteen will be the next obsession. Sin wrote me in a funk that the reviews of this book aren't that good. I feel bad for her. I adore Ranger...but I've never thought the mysteries or hijinks of any of these books (EXCEPT 12, which we all agree was DIFFERENT and AWESOME) were anything but frothy wanna-be mysteries. (Sin has said the same; we agree that on the level of suspense and actually keeping the mystery a secret or tense until the end of the book is NOT Janet's strength here...it's characters and making us want to "watch the Stephanie Plum Show", which we do.)
Apparently this is another frothy wanna-be mystery in which Stephanie bumbles her way to figuring out the mystery a la Bridget Jones: Bounty Hunting in Trenton, while meanwhile juggling both Ranger and Morelli (whose apparent script for this entire book was to watch TV and eat potato chips--GOODNESS, I bet it's hard for Stephanie to make a decision in her love life...)
I'm sure this is no big surprise to either of us--because let's face it, we KNOW there is at least one more book she's contracted for...so it's obvious she's not going to resolve anything in the relationship line. Although I think the fact that Morelli is eating chips and being the Ultimate Lazy Man With Attitude, should be a big fat indicator that when Janet DOES decide to end these books--we know she's going with Ranger.
Of course, let's also be real. The Cupcakes and The Babes are too much like the Jets and the Sharks. If Janet, even though she's in the Babe camp, did write the end of the book clearly to say "Stephanie marries Ranger, has his 12 kids, and moves onto having a reality-TV bounty hunter series"--the Sharks (Cupcakes) would mafia her ass. I imagine she's going to "Lady Or The Tiger" this series and just piss off both factions entirely--and let us duke it out amongst ourselves who Stephanie stays with.
It's Ranger. We *know* it's Ranger. The Cupcakes will just have to suck it up.
Considering I *know* there are ARC's out there and I'm not dying to get a hold of one, tells me I'm not as excited as I should be. I'm more excited about going to the signing than the actual book this year.
Last year, I would've cut off my right arm for the ARC.
This year, the plot line is something I wrote in fandom a year ago and I *know* how it will end. No surprises for me. The girls are excited that my prediction fic for the next book is coming true but I'd rather had another *mystery/dark* fic like the last one and skipped the whole Morelli lounging on the couch like the real asshole he is and Ranger coming to the rescue again (because let's face it, when she needs someone, it's Ranger. Never Morelli).
My only comfort is a line from the book: Ranger telling Morelli he's not going anywhere.
Now that's the Ranger I know and love. Only good thoughts I have is that LMT will give the fandom something else to write about and argue over. Because with the ultimate decision between both men at a stand still, there isn't much that can happen. No forward progression. No growth. The series is stunted until Steph's little indecisive and indenial ass makes up her mind.
I love Stephanie Plum. Steph's a girl after my own heart, but I'm must more of a hardcore reader/writer and JE tends to only feed my inner goofy ball comedy guru.
I take two comforts with me going into the last month before LMT is released.
1. Plum Lovin' ended on a good note (The novella between TS and LMT) and there hasn't been much time passed since TS and PL to LMT. Maybe a few months. So the feelings would still be raw about the ending of TS.
2. *Knowing* Steph is going to turn to Ranger for help and knowing what I wrote for the very same thing, I can be comforted that Ranger will take very good care of Steph while she's on the lam.
And #3 and the best one of all.
I LOVE Ranger.
The End.
First off, I think I might have to go see POTC3 Friday night. The rest of my weekend is packed but Friday night. I bet I can work that in.
Now, I am only reading book ONE in the Plum series which means I have no reason to obsess about book thirteen. But, I am liking Morelli which is what I feared would happen. However, I just got to the part where Ranger has decided he needs to help her more so that could change REAL soon.
I'm in the camp that says (and this is my completely uneducated guess) that she doesn't end up with either one of them. I think Plum gets the hell out of Dodge...er....Trenton and starts her life over elsewhere. But I could be wrong. *g*
It has been said over and over again in interviews that Steph would pick someone at the end of the series. The only problem with that statement is that JE has sworn to keep writing Plum until the day she dies. (Which makes no sense. Why beat a series into the ground if you truly love the characters you're writing about?).
Anyways, I was hoping for a little suit action from Ranger based on the interview at the end of TS last year, but I doubt it. *dreamy look* I've always been partial to a man in a suit with the first three buttons of his dress shirt undone. Ranger would make me wet myself.
PS: Terri, darling, the first six books vs the last six are completely different. The whole series reads differently now. Most people were cupcakes up to book six and then they shifted camps. I started with book 8, so I'm a cheater. LOL
You're not a cheater, darling. You were just destined to be with Ranger. *g* And that description of a man in a suit with those buttons undone just made me undone. *sigh* Give me some of that on a stick...
If I were a cheater, I would be considered a pirate and Hellion would come after me. She'd be trying to dress me up like Jack and finding me a pirate to steal booty with.
Somehow I think you can find a way to steal booty all by yourself. But I think we better stick with booty shaking just to be safe.
Morelli is rather sexy in books 1-3; HOWEVER, there is a glimpse of the inner core of man he is--which is "he withholds information to undermine Stephanie as much as possible, "to protect her in parts", and to fulfill his own agenda"--whereas, while Ranger is secretative and mysterious, he never withholds information that would seriously undermine Stephanie. At least that's my perception of the difference between the two men.
And then around book 4, Morelli starts getting lazy and acting very man-like, by camping out on her couch, eating chips and being a real putz. Ranger never does this shit. He also always smells awesome. And all his sexist comments are sexy--not a throwback to 1958, as Morelli's are.
Morelli's a good lay--not as good as Ranger (as is proved in book 8), but nothing to sneeze at. And also it becomes real clear that the reason Stephanie picks him so often to sleep with is because "he doesn't scare her"--so we all know she knows that if she allowed herself a real affair/relationship with Ranger, she'd fall for him so hard, so fast, and forever...and she can't handle that.
If that's not proof for the cupcakes that Ranger is IT, well, then, they're just moronic.
And you're plain crazy if you think you're going to get tickets to POTC3 for Friday, unless you pre-buy them.
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