Word Count

Friday, March 30, 2007

Blades of Glory

It's almost 2 pm central time, and I'm currently hyped up on leaded Pepsi. (Leaded Pepsi would be a term to indicated it's not diet; and that I'm feeling the hyper-burn of both sugar and caffeine. Oh, yeah, baby.) The only thing holding me to my desk, other than that absurb Puritanical Work Ethic (which isn't very ethical if I'm typing this, right?), is that in about 3 hours I'll get to take off like a prom dress and drive like Ricky Bobby to the nearest theater and watch that sure to be nominated for an oscar, Blades of Glory.

I am psyched out of my mind.

I am in need of a Will Ferrell pick me up. I'm even willing to put up that dorky Napoleon jackass to watch the film, and a few months ago, I wasn't sure I would be. I am mentally prepared. The trailers look hysterical. Hell, even the critics gave it a rating of B! They never give movie ratings anything particularly high! Hell, Braveheart is one of my favorite movies of all time, and the critics only gave it a B+, which coincidentally is the same grade they gave to Amazing Grace, which I thought deserved an A as well.

Yeah, a B is paramount to getting summa cum laude on the critic circuit. This movie should have me giggling for days. And that would rock, because I need a laugh. I also need my Taco Bell--when is my co-worker going to return with my lunch?

What's your favorite pick-me-up laugh-for-days movie? Do you have a favorite Will Ferrell movie?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Jesus! Help me Jesus! Help me Allah. Oh help me little Jewish man. Help me Oprah! Help me Tom Cruise with your witchcraft!

Omigod! I love Will Ferrell. I'm so terribly jealous! We just watched "Old School". LMAO.

I hope you had a fantastic weekend babe!