Word Count

Monday, August 20, 2007

Books, Banes, and Bast....

I've been drinking a lot lately, I admit. And last Saturday was no different. I stopped by Pam's house and realized they were going out, and they invited me. They even invited me knowing that a certain guy would be in the group. Pam's brother-in-law, who is this guy I share on-again, off-again witty banter (and occasionally more), and who also happens to be married. For a second time. "Unhappily."

I'll let everyone pause for a second to remember the plot of my current WIP and go "Holy Shit."

It's really not quite the same. Pam is far nicer. Her husband would NEVER do the things he does in my WIP. This guy is not Ben. He IS the inspiration for Ben though--and I can say that here, because he has absolutely no idea about this blog...or my writing (well, not much anyway)...or well, let's just say, I figure it's good odds he'll not figure it out. Unless the book gets published...and he buys it. But again, it's not really him. Oh, well, I'm done arguing with myself about this....

Any way at some point during the evening, he says to me, "Hellion, you've always been the bane of my existence." This is possibly in direct irritation of him asking a question I didn't want to answer and I said I plead the fifth.

Nice. I concurred he'd always been MY bane as well. We smile. We make our reluctant goodbyes, and he leaves.

Then I looked up bane today, just to be sure it was what I was thinking. It was.

He could have meant any of the following:

1. A person who ruins or spoils. (I have not ruined anything. I think we can mark this off the list.)

2. A deadly poison. (Flattering, but unlikely.)

3. Death, destruction or ruin. (This one has possibilities. I think we really would be the death of each other.)

4. A source of persistent annoyance or exasperation. (Ooh, I think we might have a winner. I'm annoying. Now there's a surprise.)

5. Something that causes misery or death. (Also a possibility.)

So question of the day: Has anyone inspired you to make them a character in your book? Do you have anyone you'd classify as a bane (and nobody better say me--I'm just saying)? And which definition was he shooting for? Annoying or misery?


Anonymous said...

I'm going with misery. As in, because he's taken and you're not, you're a misery because he can't have you.

And the bane of my existence is my family. I love them, but thank god I live 3000 miles away.

Sin said...

The bane of my existance is my mother. *pauses while Hellion groans in agony over another tale of horror* And my sister. Thank god my sister and I realized 22 years ago that we'd never be friends. And my mother knows better than to come around me 30 out of 31 days in a month.

I had this best friend in high school that I based my character Nina off of. Nina is the typical party girl, very aware of where the party is and who's in it and very happy-go-lucky. No responsiblity. No ablity to censor herself. (Wait, she's starting to sound like me, lol). I will be basing Sadie's assistant on you my lovely little prancer. You have such a great personality that deserves to be immortalized in a book. Or a biography. LOL

Hellie Sinclair said...

Awesome...so do I get a piece of Ash too? As one of the work perks?

Hellie Sinclair said...

Diana, is it wrong of me to gloat about that? It IS his second marriage. When he got married the SECOND time, I was single then too.

Hellie Sinclair said...

I agree about family, guys...mine drive me nuts!

Hang in there!

Terri Osburn said...

I think we need an "ALL OF THE ABOVE" option.

His feelings for you could ruin or spoil his marriage which in turn could result in current wife giving him a deadly poison. This would in turn result in his death, destruction or ruin and at the very least be a source of persistent annoyance. The end result is misery or death no matter how you look at it.

Just sayin'...

My bane is my ex and his family. My family is annoying but they don't hold a candle to the ex.

Hellie Sinclair said...

I agree. Your ex is damned annoying. You're far more tolerant about the man than he deserves.

Oh, dear, I don't want the man poisoned! Okay, done gloating now. I'll just go join a nunnery and be done with it.

Anonymous said...

*snorts at the thought of Hellion in a habit*

*busts out laughing*

I'm sorry, but seriously, Hellion? The Sound of Music? Unless the nunnery is housing Jack/Jack, then I can't imagine Hellion willingly becoming a nun....

Terri Osburn said...

I'm with Di. Hellion would make an awful nun. And I don't think the other nuns would tolerate you walking around in your underwear all the time either.

Hellie Sinclair said...

Well, it would be a vow of poverty...I mean, it wouldn't be beyond the realm of rationalization that I could only afford to wear underwear.

*moue* You all needn't sound so thoroughly confirmed about my lack of spirituality. You could have played along.

Think I could find a Captain Von Trappe?

Terri Osburn said...

*snorts with laughter*

Sorry, I was just trying to picture you with a pack of kids. Nope, can't do it.

And it's not your spirituality we doubt. More you ability to keep your spirit to yourself. LOL!

Unknown said...

I have no banes, really. And my husband's coloring has turned up in most of my heroes...dark hair, hazel eyes. Everybody say "awww."

Terri Osburn said...


Maggie just has to flaunt her HEA all over the net, doesn't she? LOL!

When are you going to let us clone Mr. Robinson anyway?

Hellie Sinclair said...

Awwwwwwww. *eyes lit at writers who make their true loves the heroes of their books, even just in bits*

But I'm with Terri, we're already jealous, you know.

And Terri, what do you mean you can't imagine me with my own little hellions? Are you suggesting I'm non-nurturery? I don't have a Mommy gene? I mean, I don't...but I don't like for other people to AGREE wholeheartedly that I'd make a bad mommy.

Terri Osburn said...

Don't be putting words in my fingers. I didn't say you wouldn't make a good mommy. I said I can't see you with a pack of *someone else's* kids. Big difference, girlfriend.

Trust me, I've taught pre-school. Big difference...

Hellie Sinclair said...

Oh, true, that would be a lot like being a schoolteacher....okay. I forgive you.

Sin said...

You may run around with a pack of my hellions. That should be fun.

And the only thing that shows up in my hero's of Matt, is the hero's ability to be an ass at the most inappropriate time. That means, ALL THE TIME. Oh and his sex god abilities. That's worth putting up with him being an ass.

Terri Osburn said...

Why do we let her play?

Anonymous said...

I don't know.

I mean, if she's not going to share, then why bother?

Hellie Sinclair said...

I think Sin is still willing to barter Mattycakes out to you all...provided you're all willing to cook chicken tenders.

No, Sin, I'm never going to let that go. Ever.

Sin said...

Jesus. You and those chicken tenders.

I'm willing to let y'all have Mattycakes. You'll be giving him back posthaste, so I'm not worried.