I usually want what I can't have. The more forbidden something is, the more enticing it is. I don't like apples, but I guarantee you if I'd been Eve and that was the fruit, I would have had a batch of them whipped up for supper, served with a side of caramel sauce. (Because everything is better with a side of caramel sauce.)
I think my interest in the Forbidden carries well into my whole obsessive side of my nature too--so really I enjoy having compatible parts of myself. (By the way, I ordered a Captain Jack Sparrow doll that speaks. I'm sure I'll be blogging about it soon.)
So last night, I tapped into my obsessive/forbidden side by watching The Scarlet Letter. This pushed buttons on about every level. It has Gary Oldman (who plays Sirius Black in Harry Potter films), who looks extremely hot in this film. (Those eyes. *swoons*) It has that FORBIDDEN romance between the married woman and her minister. (Normally I would never think of jumping my minister, but understandably, he looks nothing like Gary from this movie.) And because they "freely adapted" from the original story, it has an ending where they finally get together at the end (though it's said he dies before their child gets to be a teenager, et al, blah, blah, blah.)
Doesn't matter. They ride off triumphantly out of town, their adulterous love a victory at last.
Yes, yes, only in fiction, right? (Though I do know an amazing amount of adulterous affairs turned marriages that are hanging around, looking rather victorious. Funnily enough, they morph into regular old marriages where everyone is fighting about who left the toothpaste cap off the toothpaste.)
I also watched Dracula, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only person (except maybe Dracula) who went, "Oh, that's so romantic! He cursed God because he lost his true love...and then...and then...she broke the curse. Their love broke the curse!" Now mind you, there is about another hour and fifty minutes of non-romantic stuff...and some bestiality, but I was distilling it to its purest elements for you guys. Dracula is a love story.
You'll also notice that Gary Oldman was in Dracula. Yes, I know. I'm having a Gary month.
So what is your favorite forbidden? What is your favorite movie with a forbidden element? (Or do you prefer your movies slightly less "forbidden" and more sweet?)
*reads blog*
This isn't an ode to a bar...
My forbidden fantasy is....fashion. Is that forbidden? No? Hmmm...well then, I love me some bad boys, even though they aren't alway good for me. Isn't that a country song?
Chocolate. Or anything else that is horribly bad for me. But mostly chocolate. I didn't manage to destroy a gall bladder eating veggies. *blech*
But now I must go back on the wagon. I almost couldn't get my pants buttoned this morning. And since I pretty much sit in seclusion here at work, I'm actually tempted to unbutton the damn things so I can breathe. But I haven't. Yet.
At least I haven't broken down and bought the cookie dough that is oh so tempting. Yet.
Terri- I am not a fan of chocolate or many sweet things in life....especially dark chocolate. Yuck!
I've got dairy allergies and I LOVE Cheese! I know, I know not very impressive, but there you go.
My DH always jokes that instead of coming home from work some day and finding me passed out on the couch with an empty bottle of vodka on the floor, it's going to be me in bed with romance novels strewn about and empty bags of Chee-tos and Doritos. He pictures me with a wild look in my eyes and cheese smeared all over my fingers and face. That's when he'll know I've finally cracked!
Ter - My friend gave up chocolate about 10 years ago. She called me about a month ago, crying, telling me she just devoured a bag of Hershey kisses! She had a REALLY bad day! I think chocolate is the ultimate comfort food and more addictive than cigarettes!
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