Word Count

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's Official

Summer is not over yet, it's true; and we've got at least two more weeks until Labor Day (and the whole "Summer's Over" is truly though)--but I have to say: This has been the best summer ever.

Summer 2007 started out with a bang: Pirates of the Caribbean 3 came out May 25, and I went to a sneak peek the night before of it. It was possibly my favorite movie of the three (though it's a close call, since I do adore the first movie so much and have watched it a hundred times.) I've only been able to watch POTC3 twice so far.

My next summer obsession was Harry Potter, both the 5th movie and the last and final installment in the books. My Harry Potter partners-in-crime went with me to a Harry Potter feast in Kansas City (which was admittedly lame, but fun because of the company). The movie rocked--and we think it might be the best movie of the series so far. My friend Pam and I now have unhealthy obsessions with characters from the movies: Pam (Lucius Malfoy) and me (Sirius Black). Admittedly I had a bit of a crush on Sirius in the book at first (I've always liked handsome, arrogant black-haired men)--but Gary Oldman does a good job. And he has tattoos!

I was quite relieved, when a week later, I got my book of the last Harry Potter, and I read it cover to cover. I was not going to have to burn my books in a fit of rage. All ended well.

Then a week after that I was set to go on vacation (my first real vacation in 6 years)--and I flew out to Virginia to meet fellow writers and Bon-Bons, Terri & Tiff. It was the best vacation ever! (The IPod 9th-Circle-of-Hell Incident notwithstanding.) Now I'm having to come off a high of where men actually know I exist...and flirt with me...and go back to work. *pouts* Oh, well, there is still a chance to look for jobs in Virginia. I've always liked Virginia, since I went to Washington, D.C./Arlington/Alexandria; and I love it even more now. It's beautiful like Missouri...but with an ocean. Plus there are sailors, which I find far more fascinating than farmers.

Now...it's back to the old grindstone. Edits to make on my novel. A query letter to write; and agents to beg. Oh, and my 8-5 job too. (And by the way, has anyone watched the extras on The Notebook and wanted to slap Nicholas Sparks? I mean, he's the NICEST guy...but I still want to slap him. Is it just me? AND has anyone seen the deleted scenes on The Notebook? HOLY COW. The alternate sex scenes are...OMG! I don't understand how I can love that movie, but not like the book. Does anyone else feel this way? I mean, aren't you supposed to like the book more? Maybe it's Ryan Gosling...Yeah...I think it's Ryan Gosling NAKED in the movie...)

I'm shallow. What can I say? Oh, and that bit where he yells at her that she's a pain in the ass but he wants to be with her anyway. *sighs longingly*


Unknown said...

My desperate realization that I only have a week and a half left before I go back to work is threatening to ruin that week and a half. Just when I'm getting my writing groove back, too.

So glad you had a great summer. Mine was pretty okay, too. Two trips, lots of books, quality family time. Now if I can schedule a pedicure before school starts, it will be perfect!

Hellie Sinclair said...

Oh, I understand Post-Vacation-Depression. I remember on my cruise, when we were headed back to the mainland, and I was, "There are only two days left!" and I just started drinking Miami Vices like they were going out of style.

You just need to drink more. That'll help.

Are you not going to write anything for the next nine months? We're going to go through withdrawals!

Hellie Sinclair said...

Miami Vice Drink (Or: Rum Fixes Everything)

5 oz Bacardi® 151 rum
1 package frozen pina colada mix
1 package frozen daiquiri mix

1. Mix pina colada with 2.5 oz. of rum w/ ice. Set aside.

2. Mix daiquiri with 2.5 oz. of rum w/ ice.

3. While frozen, add pina colada mix to a cocktail glass. Add the daiquiri mix on top, keeping it seperated from the pina colada mix. Serve.

Unknown said...


Oh no. I'll probably be writing MORE when I have less time, LOL. I seem to be one of those people who works best with constraints. All summer I've sat around in my pjs surfing the net and not writing! I got dressed when I knew my husband was coming home. Slug city.

And my pedicure is scheduled for 11 AM Monday. Woo hoo.

Tiffany Clare said...

alternate scenes?????? I need to buy that movie!! I love Ryan Gosling...such a cuties!

Hellie Sinclair said...

Oh, the sex is better in the deleted scenes! I must have had my nose like an inch from my screen going: "How did they film this? They're so naked! They're very, very naked...and his hand just went...OMG!"

I'm very mature over here, let me say.

I flipped over the box to see the rating, sure it would be R--because the deleted scenes would have surely rocketed it up to an R rating--and it's only PG-13. I was shocked.

Then I pressed my nose to the screen again.

Terri Osburn said...

I guess that explains why those two dated for quite some time after making that movie. Are they still together?

My summer is ending but I've had a pretty good one. Much better than last year when I nearly ran myself to death and had to deal with a dying vehicle. At the beginning of the summer I set out to casually date and have a good time. And that I did. *g*

Now my daughter comes home in 10 days and I'm so excited. I can't wait. I'm actually looking forward to everything getting back to normal.

Now if I can just shake this new stalker boy, I'll be good. LOL!

irisheyes said...

I'm counting the days when I get my house back for at least 6 hours a day! Woo Hoo! I know, I know... Mother of the Year! I have neighbors who are in tears that they have to send their kids back to school and I'm breaking out the streamers and horns!

I have one of those wooden calendars in the kitchen that you have to change every month to get the days and month right. My husband put it together for August and slipped a little "Celebration" tile in place of the date the kids go back to school. They didn't find that amusing.

Okay, with this movie The Notebook. I know absolutely nothing about the book or movie, except that one of my nieces said it was depressing. If it's okay can you give me a short synopsis, tell me what all the hype is about and how it ends?

Hellie Sinclair said...

It is depressing...but kinda in a good way.

In a Pitch: This old guy in an old folks home reads the Love Story of Their Life everyday to his wife, so she will remember (and come back) to him.

And at the end, because it's a Sparks book: They die. He had a heart condition; she had Alztimer's (sp?)

But most of the movie is about the young couple's story of how they got together. Very Romeo & Juliet. *swoons, sighs* And the sex is really hot. Not that you watch movies for that...but they made it very believable.

Hellie Sinclair said...

I recommend watching the movie over reading the book... Obviously.

Terri Osburn said...

I can't believe you gave her the ending! You could have given the entire run down and said you have to watch it to see the ending.

Then again, if you know anything about Sparks books you know they never end well. I still haven't forgiven him for Message In A Bottle. Which I watched again last weekend. Twice. *sigh*

Hellie Sinclair said...

I couldn't do that to her. I didn't tell my friend Jackie about what happens to Will Turner in the third movie, and she beat me in the arm repeatedly when IT happened. We got out to the car, my arm bruised, and she was, "WHY didn't you tell me? You've seen it!!!!"

I think Irish would be more violent.

I'm protecting my easily bruised arms.