Word Count

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tuesday Is Almost As Good As Monday

My computer died. My new laptop I bought in January and I'd already returned (a week after I bought it) to replace the CD drive. Yes, wouldn't come on.

SILVER LINING: Still under warranty, supposedly, so it will be fixed. Plus I have a real reason to procrastinate on my novel. Which I wasn't writing.

I took it to the store and they shipped it off. Geek Squad Guy (not the same one I was totally crushing on from last time, but not bad) looked moderately concerned. "You realize they might not be able to save your data." Translation: God, Lady, I hope you hadn't written your Great American Novel on this thing because it's GONE, GONE, GONE.

SILVER LINING: I have two flash drives, and strangely, earlier in the week, I had recopied everything to the flash drive. Thank you, God.

Monday I worked on folders, applications, emails, et al. I accomplished little.

SILVER LINING: Possible job security...but only if I get everyone completed by the start of summer semester like I need to.

Monday night I went to a dinner my boss invited me and other co-workers to, to thank us for helping with his grant. I ate too much; I'm even more of a cow.

SILVER LINING: The dessert had rum in it, so I didn't much care that my supposed diet was blown

Monday I also got another email from Coffee Date Guy #4 (or is he three?)--asking me if I want to go out this week. Hmmm, my subtle disappearing act and inability to return phone calls has not convinced him I'm not remotely interested.

SILVER LINING: I'll finally get to use "I'm looking for a love like the Titanic and you're just not it" like I've been dying to for years now. Maybe that will spell it out. Maybe I'll need to work on bursting into tears--it's worked remarkably for the men who've broken up with me.

Monday I finished The Leopard Prince and The Raven Prince, and nothing else I've tried reading has caught my interest as much as they did.

SILVER LINING: I plan to fly by the library tonight and drop off books. Maybe my gym partner will be cool with me doing a fly by the NEW BOOKS shelves for something to read. Because God, if I don't find something to read, I might actually have to do something like write on my own story, which I've still yet to complete chapter 14.

I have to go to the gym tonight to make up for being a cow yesterday.

SILVER LINING: Nothing really. But I should get home early enough to watch The Holiday again and see Jude Law do that little cute dialogue of "Look at you. You're already better than you think you are." *husky laugh* Oh, don't I want to be.

Only like 40 days until Summer School starts. *eyes mountain of folders*

SILVER LINING: It's only 30 days until POTC3 comes out. I'm going to need some Jack when I finally collapse into a heap of overwrought nerves for being the worst secretary on the planet.

Anyone got any problems--and silver linings?


Terri Osburn said...

I am not allowed to drive. Something about mind altering pain medication.

Silver Lining: I cannot go to work or anyplace else for that matter. Should be getting loads of things (at least reading) accomplished. But I'm not...

Hellie Sinclair said...

No, the silver lining is that you don't have to sit in traffic and flip off that idiot who cuts you off.

Tiffany Clare said...

NO WAY!!!! No computer...the love affair was not meant to be...

Business is selling...it's a pain in the ass, I want to scream and tear all my hair out from stress

Silver lining....C@#$ Lady will be gone, gone gone I say...new boss lady cannot cannot be worse!