So like a week ago I got Gary Allan's greatest hits. I have his other CDs. If you only own one country CD, it should be his Smoke Rings In The Dark. Hot, hot, hot. I think my favorite song on this album is "Cowboy Blues"--where it has the lines, "I strap on my guitar like a .45; I pray each night my aim is true; I'm shooting for the heart of looking in your eyes; singing the Cowboy Blues..."
I barely know what it means. It doesn't really matter because he could be singing out of the phone book, and his growly, moany, dark-sinful-wicked voice would make it sound like... *pauses to think of the perfect metaphor, gets distracted by his photo* Sex? The man sounds like sex in the summer rain. Really good sex in the summer rain.
Although what would I know about really good sex, let alone RGS that occurs in the summer rain? It was the best I could explain it, being anytime I hear him come on the radio--time just stops for me and I'm totally into the moment that is Gary Allan. Nothing else matters but this moment with him. (Now if I could only have some sex that was like that.)
Anyone else want to check out his tattoos? Anyone else ever heard of him? Favorite songs or tattoos?
Little Red Riding Hood? LOVE the pic!
I know Gary Allen. Didn't his wife recently die and leave him with a passal of kids? We'll have to ask that country DJ person.
I know his wife committed suicide. I didn't realize he had kids. Hmmm...
Holy cow, he's been married like three times! Well, at least he knows how.
Love a man with tatt's...and no i don't know him...I know nobody! LOL.
Yes he has been married a few times - ticked off his record company because he didn't even tell them. He likes his private life private (smart man). His wife committed suicide and did leave him with the children though I'm not sure how many he has.
This man is sex on a stick. A surfer, guitar playing, gravelly-voiced, bluesy badboy that can make any woman stop in her tracks.
I love the song Devil's Candy (can't believe Hellion didn't go for this one. Here's one verse:
Well I've played the cards, and I've rolled the dice
Well I gave up heaven for a fool's paradise
I once lost an angel when a bad girl was handy
I've always had a sweet tooth
For the devil's candy
And he can do funny even sexier than Brad Paisley. This one called Alright Guy always cracks me up:
You know just the other night
The cops pulled me over outside the bar
When they turned on their lights
And they ordered me out my car
Man I was only kiddin' when I called 'em a couple of dicks
But still they made me do the stupid human tricks
Now I'm stuck in this jail with a bunch of dumb hicks
And I still don't know why
This concludes our Gary Allen interlude from that country DJ person...LOL!
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