Word Count

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Ultimate Exercise Equipment

Due to the very poor grades I received in my overall health, I have been endeavoring to exercise more. Here’s the problem: I hate exercising. I hate sweating. I hate being hot. I hate doing things I’m uncoordinated at, like walking. Sex also comes to mind here, but that’s a different blog.

Friday, I went to my friend Jackie’s house, who also hates sweating, being hot, and doing things that make her look uncoordinated. She is a good friend though, and doesn’t want me to croak quite yet, so we went for a brisk walk. 4000 steps for our little jaunt.

Yes, yes, I’ve got one of those dorky pedometers. Blue.

Saturday, we went to a Pirate Festival at the Rotary Park. This has lots of opportunities for walking. I would tell you how many steps I took, except about halfway through the park I realized my handy-dandy pedometer had fallen off. Probably during the petting zoo area or the pony ride location. (Before anyone points out I’m too big for pony rides, let me assure you I had a 3-year-old in tow who was interested in petting the ponies—though not riding them.) I think the black pony ate my step-counter.

After about 3 hours of wandering around the park, the 3-year-old misbehaved horribly and we had to leave. (So much for pirate hunting.) Once home, I dragged Jackie to a JoAnn’s, where I got the rest of my materials for my Halloween costume; and then we went to a Barnes & Noble, for no other reason than to sit in the squishy chairs and read books. Then Erica, Jackie’s little sister called.

She was going to take her dogs to the dog park. Did we want to go? Now let me just say she has the coolest dogs ever. Nakira and Monty are these cute, hilarious mutts. Nakira is the ham, and she’s always so excited to see you…and she smiles all the time. Monty is lower-keyed, but a lover. If you lay down, he’ll crawl up beside you, worm his way into your arms, and sigh in contentment as his head is resting on your chest. (Monty is proof males are the same no matter what species they are.) I love them both, so I’m game to the park.

We go. Erica lets the dogs run in their area as Jackie and I walk on the trails for our evening walk. (I wanted to make sure I got plenty of walking in—since that horse ate my walking device! How was I to know when I could quit walking? Blast.) So we probably walk a mile roundtrip. Erica wants to now walk the dogs on the trail. Okay. So I get Monty, because he’s lower-keyed, right? Hahahahahaha. I trotted my ass off to keep up with this dog!

I don’t jog, folks. If you ever see me running, it’s not “to” something because frankly “it” can wait until I can saunter to it or I just don’t need it. If I’m running, it’s from something, like snakes. A serial killer. One of my really bad dates. Monty, though, doesn’t know how to saunter, and unless I wanted to be dragged down the gravel road on my belly, I adapted immediately.

So I jogged. Panted. Gasped for air as I walked at an uber-fast clip when I could no longer jog. By the time we left, I was certain all-told, I must have walked/trotted at least 3 miles. Yes, of course, I’m counting the Jackie-Fran sauntering mile—but two miles of jog/trotting is quite a bit, thank you much.

I’ve decided the ultimate exercise device is not a pedometer but a dog. Not one of those sissy dogs though—a 40 pound mutt who doesn’t know what a saunter is and is very interested in trotting up and down roads. If he likes to also curl up with you as you watch TV and sigh against your chest, that’s just a bonus.

So what’s your secret exercise equipment? Your toddler? Your dog? Your husband?


Terri Osburn said...

Now you're just making it worse. I want a dog so bad. I'm hoping to buy a place next summer and getting a dog is all Isabelle can talk about. That and being able to paint her room purple. She asked if we'll go to a pet store and I explained we would be going to the pound to rescue some adorable mutt. You just can't beat a fun-loving, snuggly mutt.

I'm still amazed you jogged. A light trot for about 10 feet and I'm done. But I'm old.

Anonymous said...

I don't run. Period. The only exercise I do is pilates or shopping. Seriously, try carrying multiple bags of crap for hours and see how buff you get. But running. That's a negative.

Sin said...

I'm so proud of your sauntering jogging abilities H! Next time I see you I will give you a hug and run away from you and bounce around like an adorable mutt (because I am like a stray that you fed and can't get rid of now, lol).

And now I'm a firm believer of the gym. I lost two dresses sizes since June. Can't beat that. I could almost kiss Matty for making me the deal of three days a week and I can still eat whatever I want. But I won't because then I'll admit that he was right. I have pride. :) H, if we still went to the gym together we could work out together. Though when we work out, we chatter the whole time and don't get much done. LOL

I'm so proud of you! Wait until I see you next time!

Hellie Sinclair said...

Terri, I recommend mutts--two legged and four-legged varieties. :) I wish Monty could be cloned. I love Nakira, but Monty is now my favorite (shhhh, don't tell her.)

Di, that is a fabulous idea! Shopping is going to be part of my strength training. I was doing pushups at the gym--and some trainer came in--and I hate that. I feel like a moron and I don't like being checked on by some buff dude as I'm looking like a moron. I look slightly less stupid shopping.

Sin! I need to start dating some employee at your gym--hook me up and I'll start exercising with you. While you're at it, find someone for Holly so she can also join us. That's so awesome you've lost two dress sizes!!!!!!! (Now if I can do the same before....)

irisheyes said...

That is awesome Hellion! I can totally sympathize with you.

I would say my biggest and best secret exercise tool would be unadulterated FEAR (and my DH)!

Fear because people I know and hold near and dear are falling apart and having body parts removed and fall off due to not taking care of themselves.

My DH because he's one of those near and dear that I fear may be next if we don't grab the bull by the horns and change our wicked ways! He eats fast food because it's convenient and doesn't exercise cause he doesn't have the time.

The positives: He's the type of guy that will eat whatever is put in front of him and will go for a walk or bike ride whenever you ask him.

The negatives: I hate to cook and try to avoid it at all costs and I probably hate to exercise about as much as you if not more! So, I guess I literally feel like my husband's life is in my hands. If I can't suck it up and get him some good food and encouragement things don't look good!

I also have the added stress of being the most non confrontational person you'll meet and that doesn't make for a good mommy or wife (drill sergeant!).

Hellie Sinclair said...

Well, I don't know the cause of the "hate to cook" bit, but you might try some Weight Watcher cookbooks, like the ones that are like 5 ingredients or less; slow-cooker; 30 minutes or less; or Take-Out (which is more complicated, but has foods from all the places you like to eat). Or even a chicken based Weight Watcher cookbook would be good--if that's what you mostly get to cook.

I do recommend WeightWatchers...and pairing it with eating more brown stuff. Whole wheat, brown rice, blah, blah... "Real food", nothing is "banned"--and the portions are reasonable.

As for the non-confrontational--I'm with you there--just try to weasel it in for a while until he catches on. Or pretend it's helping you instead--"Take a walk with me. I need to walk off some steam...and I'd feel better walking and talking to you about it..." Then talk about your mother or the PTA Martha Stewart.

You can do it, Irish...if I can eat healthy--anyone can. Or should it be if Terri can eat healthy anyone can? Either! :)

Hellie Sinclair said...

I also have to say FEAR is an awesome motivator (or de-motivator, depending on the situation.)

irisheyes said...

By the way, I watched The Notebook last night. What a frickin tear jerker! That scared the hell out of me too!

I know I'm getting old cause I never really thought about getting old and now I think about it all the time.

I use to think you grow up, get married, have kids, grow old and die. Now I'm thinking the dying part is going to be the hardest one to accomplish quickly and with the least amount of pain to myself and others.

On a positive note (cause I promised to insert more glass half full perspectives these days) the sex scenes were awesome!!! The DVD I rented had the deleted scenes too. Thanks for the rec!

irisheyes said...

Thanks for the Weight Watchers info. I'm also checking out recipes in Bob Greene and Dr. Oz books (the health gurus on Oprah). If it's easy and quick I'm gonna try it.

My sister also happens to be vegetarian and has been feeding me (no pun intended) recipes for quite a while. I just have to get my butt in gear and do it!

Hellie Sinclair said...

*LOL* I told you the sex scenes were worth the watch--and I hate tear jerker stuff. Ask Terri, who thinks this is abnormal. (Sorry, I spent my entire childhood weeping, I have no use for it now.)

Bob Greene I think is good. I haven't heard of Oz. :)

Vegetarian meals are good too. It's surprising how easily you can get along without meat! (Especially in chili...or burritos/enchiladas, tacos, et al.)

You'll be great; and you'll find a process to make it as painless as possible.

Unknown said...

I work in a big library and walk around a lot, lugging or pushing heavy books. I don't have the inclination or the knees to do anything else. My most important skill is to shut my mouth and step away from the table.

Terri Osburn said...

Yes, if I could eat healthy anyone could but I can't so let's use Hellion in this example.

And yes, I love tear jerkers. Angst is my friend.

I found a cookbook in Cracker Barrel (shutup H) this weekend for making meals in those Reynolds Wrap oven pouches. I'm sure you could just use regular aluminum foil and make your own pouch. But it looked so easy even I could do it.

I really need to go back and get that cookbook.

Hellie Sinclair said...

I know you're capable of cooking. You just don't have time. You need some Rachael Ray books.

Maggie, I have unfortunately learned that eating is not only done at a table: you can do it in bed, on a couch, in the bathtub, in the car, in the library (shhh, don't tell), and pretty much anywhere you can sit or stand. And as you can tell, it's really hard for me to shut my mouth. :)

Sin said...

I would hook you up with someone if I thought there was anyone there worthy of your time. There's not many people that work at that gym, believe it or not. I guess I could pimp Matty out on Tuesdays.

And I'm still seething about your nightmare of a gym experience last night. I even got Matty all upset with how pissed off I was.

Terri Osburn said...

Did she say pimping out Matty? Is there a waiting list?

I probably *could* cook but I know nothing about flavor or spices. NOTHING. I've watched Rachel Raye and the problem is I've never seen her make anything I'd eat.

And before you say I don't try new things a co-worker brought some pepper jam to work this morning and said I just had to try it. I gave into peer pressure and tried it. I'm still amazed I managed not to spit it back out.


Hellie Sinclair said...

She might be pimping him out to make "bail money" or "honeymoon fast cash" or something.

And Matty would be the first to tell us the line is long and distinguished, so take a number. *LOL*

She doesn't cook particularly weird stuff. I don't get it! Lots of pastas...and chicken and maybe an odd pork tenderloin, but nothing weird.

Hellie Sinclair said...

She does use EVOO--extra virgin olive oil--but I know you have olive oil!

Terri Osburn said...

She's always making crap with those nasty, big mushrooms. And lots of fresh herbs and seasonings. Things like cumen and other stuff I probably can't spell. And weird salads. There's never any lettuce in her salads!

Yes, I have EVOO but then everything I make is Italian so that's a given. LOL!