Word Count

Friday, October 12, 2007

Daily Smile

It's Friday. I already started out the morning in a crank-fest--badly behaving applicants, my names misspelled by people who don't read, self-doubt about my writing--all vicious contributors.

But then my boss was standing at my window and said, "Hellion, come look."

I went and looked.

Three adults were herding a group of children, no older than four years old, across the street. Each child held a part of a rope, and the lead adult led the way, while another adult followed to make sure no one lagged and the third adult flanked them on the left to make sure no one bolted from the ranks. All the children were smiling and excited about the adventure they were on, all clutching one grubby hand on the white rope.

Once they made it to the sidewalk, the children filed where they were supposed to--though taking time to bounce up and down on all the man-hole covers and grills, with such obviously enthusiasm my boss and I could practically hear the rattle of the metal grates even though my closed window.

Leaves are falling off the trees, whipping around them; their hair is windblown and their cheeks are rosy--and not one of them looked like they had any concerns whatsoever. They were just as happy with the journey as they were with the prospect of the destination.

My boss and I have been grinning ever since.


Sin said...

It's funny that watching kids will put a smile on your face. It just goes to show you that sometimes we all just need a little reminder that not all things in life are bad.

My girlfriend brought her baby in today. He's six months old. He's got cheeks that you just wanna kiss all the time. He smiled. Then he pouts. Then he flutters his eyes and smiles again. Flirting... guaranteed to put a smile on anyone's face. Then he lets go this squeal that would break six inch glass. But you still gotta smile. I don't have to get up at six to a screaming child. That's enough to make me smile in the morning. LOL

Be safe this weekend. *smooch*

Unknown said...

You know, you have a way with words. It's all about enjoying the road trip, isn't it?

Terri Osburn said...

I needed to be reminded of this. I love to watch little kids. Last night at the ballfield, these tiny little boys and girls were practicing on the next field over. They were all so cute and you could tell they were taking things very seriously.

But then one would do something silly and they would all fall down laughing. Don't you wish we could do that? Find something funny and just roll on the floor holding our bellies. Well, we could but then we'd either get fired or put in a little white jacket. Dang it.

irisheyes said...

There is nothing that can put a smile on your face like watching the 5 and under set trying to be organized, especially at a sport!

Mine are a little older now and every once in a while you run into the really obnoxious "you gotta win at all costs" parents! But when they were really little everyone came for the pure comic relief factor! It's as if they don't know how to operate certain parts of their body yet - arms flying one way, legs going another, equipment way too big for them. I haven't even touched on the distractions to be found for kids out on the field - nose picking, butt picking, grass picking, bug swatting, plane watching. The list goes on and on! LOL